Onsite Walk-Through and Bus Tour for CMAR for Component 1- KBHCCD Expansion 

Date: Friday, July 12, 2024

Time: 9:30 am

Location: Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, Ballroom C1, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas, TX 75202 

Parking Instructions: Please park in the Convention Center Garage on the East side of Griffin between I-30 and Memorial. Take a ticket upon entry, and we will validate it for you.

You are invited to the onsite walk-through of the existing building and a bus tour of the expansion location for the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Services for Component 1 of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD) Master Plan Convention Center Expansion - West of Lamar Street Only.

This meeting pertains to Component 1’s CMAR. If you are interested in solicitations for other components of the KBHCCD Master Plan, expect to receive separate communications for those. For the most current information, please visit Bonfire. 

Attendees are required to RSVP. We would appreciate your RSVP no later than Monday, July 8, 2024.